Help Us to Help Women!
Transform the life of a woman today by making a gift to CCW! Help us to help other women make changes in their personal lives and receive tools to create a better future for themselves, their families, and their community.
A donation of 25$ will help subsidize one hour of gender-sensitive therapy, a donation of 100$ will help subsidize one month and 1200$ will help subsidize a year of therapy.
For US Donations
US tax deductible donations over $25 can be sent by check or by wire transfer to:
PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc. (501C3), 630 Third Ave., 15th floor, New York, NY10017. Please make sure to enclose a note with the donation indicating that it is recommended for The Counseling Center for Women, I.D. number 58-0130789.
To donate in the honor or memory of someone, please indicate the name of the person and your contact email in your note to PEF so that we can inform them.
For UK Donations
UK tax-deductible donations can be sent to:
Jerusalem Foundation, Prism the Gift Fund, 20 Gloucester Place, W1U 8HA, London UK. Please kindly specify Counseling Center for Women, I.D. number 58-0130789, on the cheque.
For Israeli citizens, your donation is recognized by the Israeli Income Tax Authority, according to Paragraph 46a.
You can donate to the Counseling Center for Women in one of the following ways:

For US Donations
Credit card donations
can be sent through PEF by Causematch.

For international Donations
Credit card donations can be sent from US, Israel, Canada and UK through Jgive

Bank Transfers
You can send us a donation through wire transfer.
The Counseling Center for Women
Bank: Discount
Branch: Kikar Rabin, Tel Aviv
Branch Number: 085
Account Number: 376310

Check Donations
Check Donations can be sent to:
The Counseling Center for Women
12 Rokach St.
Ramat Gan, Israel 52542

Round-up for Good (Israeli Credit Cards Only)
The Round-Up system allows you to round up your credit card transactions to the nearest shekel and donate the agurot that you rounded in full. For example: Buy something for 78.60 NIS? Your bill will be rounded up to 79.00 NIS and 40 agurot will be donated to the charity of your choice out of a wide variety of eligible charities.