ניוזלטר דצמבר 2019


CCW Newsletter December 2019

Paying It Forward

At the Counseling Center for Women (CCW), we are grateful to have encountered generous women who extend a helping hand to others after they themselves have received help at CCW. This is the story of one such woman, Ruth, who is in her seventies. She decided to come to therapy at CCW after it was suggested to her by one of her daughters. Her successful therapy at CCW motivated her to give a gift to the organization after hearing from her therapist Beth (as seen on the left) that the Center was celebrating its 30th anniversary this year.

"I thought that there are other women out there who cannot afford to pay for therapy. I wanted to make a donation for them, like a fellowship in university. I wanted to reach out to women who are not even aware that therapy can really help them." She chose to donate to CCW because it is an organization for women by women. She described her therapy at CCW as touching on deep issues as well as giving her practical tools. She said that her therapist Beth was an exact match to her needs.

Although she had been in therapy before with male therapists and it was helpful, having gender-sensitive therapy added another dimension to her therapy experience and helped her feel more empowered as a woman. During her therapy, issues came up that she hadn’t previously thought about or seen as related to her being a woman. The feminist therapy perspective allowed her to relate to herself with compassion and gave her an understanding which undoubtedly contributed to her well-being.

Meeting women like Ruth and hearing about the process they have undergone highlights the need for the services of CCW which provides gender sensitive therapy that is accessible to every woman in Israel.

A Glimpse into CCW—Past, Present and Future
As part of our 30th anniversary celebration we created a video which tells the story of how CCW was established, our mission and the work we are doing through the eyes of our therapists and clients.

Short Movie on CCW

Short Movie on CCW

Participate in our Annual Campaign and
Help Us to Help Women!

Transform the life of a woman today by making a gift to CCW! Help us to help other women to make changes in their personal lives and receive tools to create a better future for themselves, their families, and their community.

A donation of 23$ will help subsidize one hour of gender-sensitive therapy, a donation of 95$ will help subsidize one month and 1150$ will help subsidize a year of therapy.  

US tax deductible donations over $25 can be sent by check or by wire transfer to PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc. (501C3), 630 Third Ave., 15th floor, New York, NY10017. Please make sure to enclose a note with the donation indicating that it is recommended for The Counseling Center for Women,
I.D. number 58-0130789. To donate in the honor or memory of someone, please indicate the name of the person and your contact email in your note to PEF so that we can inform them.

New at CCW! We now accept credit card donations through PEF!
Please enter the link below to make a donation.

DONATE through PEF

For other available options for making a gift, please see the button below or visit us at http://ccw.org.il/en/donations/


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