The Counseling Center for Women believes that change in the personal status of a woman, as is true of her social status, is closely related to the recognition that women possess unique characteristics and needs, and, consequently, need to be treated in a fitting and appropriate manner in the therapy room, within their primary and familial relationship, at the work place and in the various other frameworks in which women are active and involved. We believe that gender appropriate interactions in all parts of her life are what make it possible for every woman to express her thoughts and desires, to realize her ambitions and to make the best of her circumstances and the circumstances of those around her.
On the basis of this philosophy, we have established three activity centers at the Counseling Center for Women: a treatment center, a training center for professionals and a community action center. These centers operate side by side, while sharing knowledge and the many years of experience that we have accumulated in therapy sessions, in order to help women move forward in all the arenas of life.