March 2020 – CCW in Corona Times

Dear Friends,

In the midst of the global Corona crisis, our clients have been continuing to come to the Counseling Center for Women for psychotherapy, encouragement and tools to help them cope with today’s difficult new reality.

As you may know, 70% of CCW clients receive a subsidy for their therapy. Unfortunately, a growing number of these women are being forced to leave therapy that they especially need during this time as they have been put on unpaid leave or lost their jobs.

In order to address our clients’ needs, we are now providing remote therapy through digital means, making our services accessible to all especially under these unusual circumstances.

One of our therapists explains, “Corona comes up in every therapy session – especially the issues of economic worry and isolation from family members and friends. Those with existing depression and anxiety, and older members of the community are the most highly affected.”

We would very much appreciate your continued support at this critical time. Methods for donating are noted below, including donations through PEF by credit card.

Heartfelt thanks in advance.
Wishing everyone good health and strength in the weeks ahead.

The CCW team

A donation of 23$ will help subsidize one hour of gender-sensitive therapy, a donation of 95$ will help subsidize one month and 1150$ will help subsidize a year of therapy.  

US tax deductible donations over $25 can be sent by check or by wire transfer to PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc. (501C3), 630 Third Ave., 15th floor, New York, NY10017. Please make sure to enclose a note with the donation indicating that it is recommended for The Counseling Center for Women,
I.D. number 58-0130789. To donate in the honor or memory of someone, please indicate the name of the person and your contact email in your note to PEF so that we can inform them.

New at CCW! We now accept credit card donations through PEF!
Please enter the link below to make a donation.

DONATE through PEF

For other available options for making a gift, please see the button below or visit us at