NEWSLETTER – December 2021


Dear Friends

As we light the last candle of Chanukah and prepare ourselves for the coming year, we want to wish you happy holidays and a wonderful new year!
May light always shine in your lives and bring health and peace…

During this time of giving, we hope that you will remember the Counseling Center for Women and our work of supporting women going through emotional difficulties.

Your support makes a real difference in women’s lives. Below we share with you a short letter from one of our clients:

“I came to CCW during my first pregnancy. It was a period full of happiness but also full of doubt, anxiety and fear. My therapist at CCW was professional and devoted and provided therapy with love and warmth.

I don’t have the words to express the gratitude I have for the therapy I received during this time when I experienced many difficulties, changes and tough challenges. My therapy showed me new ways of looking at my situation and made it possible for me to find the hidden power to cope with it.

I am thankful to CCW for allowing me to continue therapy by providing a subsidy which gave me the opportunity to receive support during one of the most difficult times of my life.”

Wishing you a wonderful festive season.

A donation of 25$ will help subsidize one hour of gender-sensitive therapy, a donation of 100$ will help subsidize one month and 1200$ will help subsidize a year of therapy.  

US tax deductible donations over $25 can be sent by check or by wire transfer to PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc. (501C3), 630 Third Ave., 15th floor, New York, NY10017. Please make sure to enclose a note with the donation indicating that it is recommended for The Counseling Center for Women,
I.D. number 58-0130789. To donate in the honor or memory of someone, please indicate the name of the person and your contact email in your note to PEF so that we can inform them.