Newsletter – October 2021

CCW Newsletter October 2021

CCW Therapists Continue to Help Women as Covid Continues


October 10th marked World Mental Health Day which aims to raise awareness of mental health issues worldwide. While social distancing and lockdowns have become a necessary reality during Covid, they also increase isolation. In that sense, the current crisis has once again proven that mental health is just as important as physical health, both equally impacting the quality of life.

From around April 2021 (marking a year since Israel’s first lockdown) the emotional effects of the difficult past year were clearly felt where the public mental health system was unable to respond to the high demand revealing a serious shortage in mental health services.  At CCW we also experienced a huge influx of women in distress who turned to our clinics in need of psychotherapy.

CCW therapists emphasize that the extra pressure and uncertainty created by the pandemic conditions have exacerbated the psychological challenges that many women face. In particular, a growing number of women from low-income groups are currently coping with even harsher economic conditions as they have not been able to return to work.

Below we share with you stories of two clients who were affected by the Covid crisis and how therapy at CCW helped them during this time.

Story of R.

R., a woman in her 30s and married with two small children, came to CCW because she and her husband were experiencing marital problems. Covid had a serious impact on the family as it significantly lowered her husband’s income. The financial stress and worry caused her husband extreme anxiety and frustration which negatively affected his relationship with her and the children. This in turn increased the tension and distress at home which was already present before Covid.

The therapy which R. received at CCW helped her understand the dynamics in the relationship between her and her husband. They both came from difficult homes and together were re-creating patterns of behavior at home which they both wanted to avoid. Through therapy R. found new ways of breaking these disruptive behavioral patterns, and acquired tools to react differently to her husband, thereby reducing distress at home. Subsequently she became a source of stability in the family and created a safe space which was critically needed by her two small children.

Story of M.

M., in her 50s, began her therapy at CCW during Covid after her husband was diagnosed with cancer. Their two children remained at home when schools were closed during lockdowns. In addition, the children could not visit their friends as they were afraid of getting Covid and passing it onto their sick father.
M. was forced to cut back on her work hours as she needed to help her sick husband and take care of the children. This significantly lowered her income and coupled with the difficult situation at home, left her feeling suffocated. While her husband had an operation, she stayed with him for two weeks without leaving the hospital.

As a result, she suffered from extreme anxiety which was made worse by financial worry. In addition, during this time her husband was blaming her for many issues, causing her to feel insecure and to believe that she was guilty for everything – which added to her feeling of going mad.

Through therapy at CCW, she realized that it was the situation which was mad and not her. Therapy helped her find her inner strength and resilience, enabling her to cope with this crisis situation rather than deteriorating her mental state. The fact that she could have access to therapy and continue her sessions through Zoom was a critical part of the healing process.

Help Us to Help Women

Transform the life of a woman today by making a kind gift to CCW!

A donation of 25$ will help subsidize one hour of gender-sensitive therapy, a donation of 100$ will help subsidize one month and 1200$ will help subsidize a year of therapy.

For Credit Card Donations

DONATE through PEF

Donating through PEF

US tax deductible donations over $25 can be sent by check or by wire transfer to PEF Israel Endowment Funds Inc. (501C3), 630 Third Ave., 15th floor, New York, NY10017. Please ensure to enclose a note indicating that it is recommended for The Counseling Center for Women,  I.D. number 58-0130789. (Due to COVID, please send checks only through the Postal Service, as no-one will be able to sign for UPS/FedEx etc.)

Donating through Fidelity

Please email Fidelity with cc to, stating the date and amount of your gift, including the name of your fund at Fidelity and your recommendation for the donation to go to Counseling Center for Women, I.D. number 58-0130789

For bank transfers or checks : please email