Our Clients Write

“Last Thursday was the climax of the healing process that I have gone through here … with the amazing guidance and support of [the therapist], I revealed the secret to my brother, who abused me sexually in childhood, and the wound I have been carrying inside me all alone for so many years.  I asked for healing for both of us.  I put the past and the pain and the sadness behind me.  I freed myself from the chains of the secret.  And since then … I feel as though I have been reborn.  I feel calm and serene, without that oversized burden … the one that I carried all of those years.  I also want to thank you, the staff of the Center, for this amazing place, that made it possible for me to experience the process that I went through. This safe, protected place is here because of you.”

“I wanted to say thank you from the bottom of my heart – for the opportunity that you gave me to grow and flourish.  I doubt that I could have allowed myself therapy this good in another place, and I doubt that I could have afforded the high fee in any other place …”

“Shalom to you, I am a 39 year old woman and a single mother to a wonderful little boy who is six and a half years old.  Three and a half years ago, I went through a particularly difficult divorce process that lasted two years.  During that process, I reached the breaking point.  I felt a little like a rhinoceros whose horn was stuck in a tangle of branches.  I was up to my neck in a complex relationship with my parents, very difficult economic distress and, mainly, without the ability to find the point of light from which I could look forward.  When I arrived at the Center, I couldn’t see enough in order to adjust my expectations and know where I wanted to go.  I got to the Counseling Center for Women and, after the intake interview, I started therapy with [the therapist].

In the past, I had gone through therapy with a man; this time, I felt more comfortable in that armchair, I felt that the presence of a woman therapist was coming from a non-judgmental place and, in general, as opposed to other treatments that I had tried, there was an understanding of my need and ability to put my cards on the table.  Throughout the therapy, I felt the space that was created because of the feminine prism of [the therapist.  The more that [the therapist] listened to me, strengthening me but never judging me -- the more I could come to conclusions about myself.  The feeling was that the picture was much clearer in my eyes.  My life was clearer, and from that point on the way to get stronger and to feel secure was easier.  I have to state that, all along the way, [the therapist] never gave up on the therapy and on my empowerment.  She charges me a symbolic fee for the therapy, while my welfare as a client is the highest priority in her eyes.

Today, I feel like I am looking straight ahead.  I am looking straight at myself, something that has a positive influence on every layer of my life.  In two years I have published two books, my writings have been published in literary journals and other media and I now have the ability to find points of light in all kinds of situations.”